Eat Your Veggies

Make healthy choices

Eat Your Veggies



​“Meditation is essentially training our attention so that we can be more aware— not only of our own inner workings but also of what’s happening around us in the here and now.” Sharon Salzberg


​“Meditation is essentially training our attention so that we can be more aware— not only of our own inner workings but also of what’s happening around us in the here and now.” Sharon Salzberg

Aligned and Healthy

Whenever a nerve becomes irritated, the body cannot function correctly. Remove any source of irritation by keeping your spine healthy and aligned.

Aligned and Healthy

Whenever a nerve becomes irritated, the body cannot function correctly.


​The more you celebrate life, the more life there is to celebrate!


​The more you celebrate life, the more life there is to celebrate!

Live your best life now!

Stay balance and enjoy life with chiropractic care.

Eating Smart

Be sure to eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Also eat other foods from plant sources, such as whole grains and beans, several times a day.

Eating Smart

Be sure to eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Chiropractic health

Chiropractic is more valuable than any accessory. #1stchoicechirowilm

Common Factors That Can Make or Break Your Health

More than 80,000 chemicals are put into American household products, which can lead to serious health problems.

Common Factors That Can Make or Break Your Health

More than 80,000 chemicals are put into American household products, which can lead to serious health problems.

Nourish Your Body

Many different health concerns can be traced back to the foods we eat. As you know, it is always best to nourish your body with natural organic foods.

Nourish Your Body

Many different health concerns can be traced back to the foods we eat. As you know, it is always best to nourish your body with natural organic foods.

Daring Greatly

It is the practicing chiropractor, the soldier on the front lines who everyday suffers the rejection of disinterest and the joy of patients regaining their innate expression of health.

Daring Greatly

It is the practicing chiropractor, the soldier on the front lines who everyday suffers the rejection of disinterest and the joy of patients regaining their innate expression of health.

Listen Closely

​“Meditate, visualize and create your own reality and the universe will simply reflect back to you.” Amit Ray

Listen Closely

​“Meditate, visualize and create your own reality and the universe will simply reflect back to you.” Amit Ray

Posture Affects Standing, and Not Just the...

Posture Affects Standing, and Not Just the Physical Kind -

Posture Affects Standing, and Not Just the...

Slouching is bad. It’s bad not only for your physical health, but also for your emotional and social well-being.

Spring bathroom change



Be stronger than your excuses. You earn your body through eating well, exercising, and proactively caring for your wellness.


Be stronger than your excuses. You earn your body through eating well, exercising, and proactively caring for your wellness.

7 Reasons to Wake Up to Lemon Water ActiveBeat...

​If you find plain water boring, take it up a notch with lemon water!

7 Reasons to Wake Up to Lemon Water ActiveBeat...

​If you find plain water boring, take it up a notch with lemon water!

Time To Eat Healthy

If you don't make time for good nutrition now, you will eventually have to make time for poor health.

Time To Eat Healthy

If you don't make time for good nutrition now, you will eventually have to make time for poor health.

Align Your Spine

​Chiropractic adjustments re-establish normal vertebral motion and position in the spine. Isn't it about time you realigned your spine?

Align Your Spine

Isn't it about time you realigned your spine?


Keep your muscles warm. ​To reduce the risk of injury, do a slow warm-up and then stretch. Follow your workout with a few more minutes of stretching.


​To reduce the risk of injury, do a slow warm-up and then stretch. Follow your workout with a few more minutes of stretching.

Share A Smile

Need a way to connect to others? A smile is the shortest distance between two people.

Share A Smile

A smile is the shortest distance between two people.

1st Choice Chiropractic will be at the Spring Bazzaar on March 19, 2016 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at The Resurrection Center.  Address 3301 North Market St. Wilmington, DE 19802

Stop by and get information on your health

Natural Solutions

​Ultimately, the goal of receiving adjustments should be to restore the body to its natural state of optimal

Natural Solutions

Ultimately, the goal of receiving adjustments should be to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health.

Try this safe movement to improve your core...

The ‘dead bug’ is one of the most essential core stabilization exercises.

Try this safe movement to improve your core...


Get Checked

​Left unchecked, imbalances tend to get worse, not better. Call your wellness chiropractor and get checked.

Get Checked

Left unchecked, imbalances tend to get worse, not better. Call your wellness chiropractor and get checked.

Let Innate Flow

Chiropractors focus on ensuring that your body’s own innate healing ability is working its best.

Let Innate Flow

Chiropractors focus on ensuring that your body’s own innate healing ability is working its best.

The Gut-Brain-Skin Axis and Your Health

​You may have recently learned that the gut is being labeled the second brain. The gut is intimately involved in a close interaction with the brain in what researchers and physicians refer to as the gut-brain axis. However, did you also know that there is a pathway called the gut-brain-skin axis as well? The interaction between the three may be to blame for your anxiety and acne. Is your gut health causing you to have anxiety and acne?

The Gut-Brain-Skin Axis and Your Health

You may have recently learned that the gut is being labeled the second brain. The gut is intimately involved in a close interaction with the brain in what researchers and physicians refer to as the gut-brain axis.

Protect Your Neck

Protect Your Neck

This is an interesting fitness tip!

Live In The Moment

​Anxiety is often caused by an overactive mind. Follow your breath back to the present moment.

Live In The Moment

Anxiety is often caused by an overactive mind. Follow your breath back to the present moment.

The Best Start

Very gentle adjustments can correct subluxations from birth and help a baby’s healthy growth.

The Best Start

Very gentle adjustments can correct subluxations from birth and help a baby’s healthy growth.

The Best Cures

Live, laugh and get enough sleep. It is the only way to recover from life’s daily stresses and strains.

The Best Cures

Live, laugh and get enough sleep. It is the only way to recover from life’s daily stresses and strains.

Eat Well

You can't fix your health until you fix your diet.

Eat Well

You can't fix your health until you fix your diet.

Connect To Wellness

​The spine and nervous system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.

Connect To Wellness

The spine and nervous system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.

Healthy Building Blocks

Just as a house cannot be strong if it is made with poor materials, your body cannot be healthy and strong if you don’t feed it properly.

Healthy Building Blocks

Eat for health! 

Healthy Investment

Invest in your health today, or disease may bankrupt you in every way later.

Healthy Investment

Invest in your health today, or disease may bankrupt you in every way later.